December 2015
Pregnancy & Acupuncture
Getting pregnant for many women is not as easy as you would expect. For some it is because monthly cycles are not regular, stress and healthy grown of the womb lining. Before getting on the road to IVF it maybe worth speaking with an acupuncturist who can help the body become more receptive to conception.
During pregnancy acupuncture can help with a range of problems
- Morning Sickness
- High/low blood pressure
- Tiredness /anxiety
- Backache
- Pelvic pain (symphysis pubis dysfunction)
Also if your baby is presenting BREACH then acupuncture can help to turn the baby.
After the birth acupuncture can help with anxiety, Post-natal depression and energy levels
Call today and ask to speak with Jennifer about fertility and pregnancy
October 2015
SAD -Seasonal Affective Disorder in Children
Until I came into this field of work I had never heard of SAD. Then I started to treat clients all year round and there certainly was a difference when the clock changed at the end of October. Often the sufferer just wants to literally hibernate until the end of the dark months and their personality takes a complete U turn, they feel depressed and miserable.
Children can suffer too. Very hard in today's society when children do spend so much more time on computers indoors. But if they no longer want to go out meet friends and their personality changes then you may have over looked SAD.
There is much written on Vitamin D3 which maybe of help as well as light boxes.
Follow this link to find out more:
July 2015
Do You or anyone you know suffer with Hay fever it can make life a misery and many suffers end up not being able to live normal life during the season, unable to leave home and go to work. It affects 1 in 5 people and is an allergic reaction to pollen.
You can be allergic to tree, grass, or weed pollen. You can get hay fever at any age and often you can grow out of it as you get older.
Treatments are mostly over the counter antihistamines or corticosteroids (steroids) which reduce swelling and inflammation.
For those that wish to look at an alternative treatment then acupuncture maybe just what you looking for it may reduce the most severe symptoms. A course of treatments would be required.
Call today to find out more 01963 350405 and ask to speak with Jennifer.
June 2015
Well we are almost through half the year and its hard to believe where the time has gone.
The clinic has stayed steady over the year and we have our core of therapies and therapists offering a wide range of treatments.
TWITTER - Yes at long last not only are we on facebook but we are now on Twitter follow us on Pithers Yard Clinic for latest news and updates and like and follow us on facebook. Please support local businesses by liking and sharing to the wider community.
March 2015
I have just completed a Kinesio taping course also known as K Tape you may have seen athletes on television with bright coloured tape on. Its a flexible but supportive tape that moves and works with the body to relieve pain and swelling.